Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hamilton To End Negative Trends

Want to End Negative Trends in Hamilton, Hamilton's achievement in the two series is also no maximum. In Canada, girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger is even failed to finish the race.

"For me, Valencia will be the weekend of consolidation after two disappointing results in Monaco and Canada," said Hamilton in Crash.

"However, I am really happy that Jenson (Button) had a brilliant race to win in Canada later, after he was less fortunate in Monte Carlo. It's also a great result for the team," said 26-year racer.

"I was always good at Valencia, finished second there in every race. And I really enjoyed the tracks," beber Hamilton.
"This race will be our third street circuit in a row, so hopefully it will give me an opportunity to reverse the bad luck that I met in two previous races."

"We practically have the fastest race cars in the last three races, and it will help, because I know that when the car can be maximized, I can finish in front. As usual, it will be my goal," he concluded

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