Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ferrari Launches 'Cars' New in Early February 2012 F1

Ferrari will launch its flagship car for the 2012 season before the first pre-season test in February next, so that it could test it.

F1's first test in the winter, the plan will take place at the Jerez circuit, on 7-9 February. Ferrari himself sure, will introduce the car at the beginning of the month.

"The new Ferrari F1 car will be introduced, in early February in order to take part in the first test," explained Luca Colajanni, as leader of the Ferrari media to Autosprint.

Explained Colajanni, Ferrari's new car will differ significantly from the cars that used the 2011 season.

"Today is not important, to say whether his new project, would be extreme. To be sure this will be different, with the past, a completely different program, because the goal is to win, and this marks a change in mentality of the whole team," said Colajanni.

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